Use the physical as a springboard for the spiritual.
Use the Night to help you find the Day.
Use the Night to help you find the Day.
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Thank you! Your support and patronage is much appreciated!
Frater Yechidah is a magician and author.
He has written extensively on occult topics, including articles for Hidden Spirit, Hermetic Virtues, and The Gnostic. He also blogs about topics related to the Golden Dawn and Gnosticism.
He has been involved with a number of magical groups, including the Order of the Sons and Daughters of Light, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Ancient and Honourable Order of the Golden Dawn.
True, that is interesting.
My brothers are visiting.
Since I am the "sheltered" type, I get to hear all about their adventures to the unknown real-world of most people.
One brother told me he had gone to a casino recently during his travels and noticed that the mural on the wall was of the sun and a bright day on the ocean-side.
He said this perplexed him at first, but then he realized that the casino must have done this so that the people inside would not know what time it was. After all, it is night before an casino opens it's doors.
If people don't worry about what time it is, they often don't worry about anything at all...
this is just a tangent of course :-)
In the Zohar night is Malkhut and day Tiferet (dark is Gevurah, light Chesed). The path to the Bridegroom is always with the Bride.
Very good point, Brother B.h.D.A., which I hadn't really taught about. Indeed the physical can be seen as Malkuth and the spiritual can be seen as either Tiphareth or Kether; and it's a well-known aim of the Qabalah to unify Malkuth with Tiphareth, the Bride with the Bridegroom, the Queen with the King, the Kingdom with the King. And, of course, we must pass through Malkuth in order to embrace any of the higher Sephiroth, so in many ways we have to use the physical as a springboard for the spiritual and the Night to find the Day.
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